Field Conditions New Definitions
Open = Fields are playable
Click link in green box directly above for game schedules. (Check often as schedules do change)----------------------------------------------------------------------U4-U8 Game Schedules---------------U9-U19 Game Schedules------------------------------------------------------------
The Coaches Resource Manual IS DYNAMIC, updated almost constantly, so it tells you everything you need to know, from Key Dates on the calendar, season holidays, Monday Night Futbol dates, to how to register your assistant coach, how to order uniforms in the Spring, and so much more. It's searchable, reachaable from your mobile device, and being added to all the time!
Late registration has opened, but player placement will be limited to teams with space available on the roster.
To late register to play in the Spring 2025 season once registration re-opens, please use this link:
Player placement during late registration is based on roster availability as well as association need. Buddy drafts / team requests are not considered.
Registration fees:
Residents $180
All Other Residents $200
Late registration will open on approximately January 25, 2025 but player placement will be limited to teams with space available on the roster.
To late register to play in the Spring 2025 season once registration re-opens, please use this link:
Residents $180
All Other Residents $200
Looking for more?
We have a 3-day soccer camp the week of Thanksgiving, check out the Camps page for more info and to register.
We also have 6 weeks of Winter Skills coming up, it's all described on the Evolution Programs page.
Both of these are OPEN for applications now!
Dear CSA Family,
As the President of the Colleyville Soccer Association (CSA), I am writing to extend my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you—our incredible parents, dedicated coaches, and tireless volunteers. Without your unwavering support and commitment, CSA would not exist, let alone
thrive as it does today.
I want to give a special thank you to our volunteer board members. Your countless hours of work behind the scenes, your passion, and your dedication are the backbone of this organization. You have helped create a community that not only supports soccer but also fosters
growth, teamwork, and friendships.
Together, we all represent the face of CSA. Our behavior, both on and off the field, reflects on our entire organization. It's essential that we all strive to be role models for our young players and for each other. By demonstrating respect, integrity, and sportsmanship, we set the standard for what it means to be part of the CSA family.
I want to remind everyone of the primary objectives for each child who joins a CSA team. Our goal is for every player to learn the skills and game of soccer, understand the importance of teamwork, and most importantly, to have fun and foster new friendships. Sometimes, in the heat of competition, it's easy to lose sight of these simple yet vital goals. Let's remember that our children's performance and behavior on the field are not just about winning but about personal growth and enjoyment.
At CSA, we strive to provide an enjoyable and safe learning environment that leaves our young soccer players with lifelong memories. The lessons they learn from their soccer experience—whether it's the thrill of scoring a goal, the camaraderie of being part of a team, or the resilience built from a tough loss—will carry with them throughout their lives.
As this fun, youthful soccer journey eventually comes to an end, it's the memories of forgotten shin guards, the excitement of post-game parties, and the pure joy of playing the game that will stay with our children. A new journey will begin, but these cherished moments and the lessons
learned will always be a part of who they are.
Thank you all for being a part of the CSA community and for your continuous support. Together, we are not just a soccer association; we are a family.
Warmest regards,
Justin Cleveland
Colleyville Soccer Association
Colleyville Soccer Association is looking to add more hardworking, available, and reliable people to join our team.
How to Become a USSF Referee
Part 1 - Sign up for the Referee Online Lessons via OMS
Part 2 – Select an in-person clinic to attend
You must complete both parts to become a referee.
Detailed Registration Instructions
Click here OMS
Click on – Find Clinic
In the drop-down menu
Once you complete the online lessons you will see the words – PICK A CLINIC This is “Part 2”; the in-person portion of the clinic.
This is probably the best job in all of Texas for a teenager! Where else can you make $18 or $24/game for reffing 4 to 8-year-olds for 45 minutes or so at a time on a Saturday? That fee goes all the way up to $90 for a 90-minute game for a center ref for our oldest ages (no, we won't schedule your 13-year-old to ref a U15 game! No worries!).
The process to become a referee is pretty easy. Go to for details. Training is provided by North Texas State Soccer Association, the governing body over all 95 soccer associations in North Texas.
Are you a former ref and need to update your registration for another year to be able to ref for Colleyville? OMS CLICK HERE for detail on what you need to do. It's even easier!
If you have completed the course and want to join Colleyville here is the link:
Need more convincing? Email or now for more info.
Evolution Academy and Select Programs are handled separately. If you are interested in Evo, and are not already in touch with our coaches, please check out the Evolution Page of this site for more info.
Hayden Lewis and Kathryn Graham - 2023-24 Coach Of The Year!
Please click on our Referee Tab for more information
These fine organizations make what we do possible. Please show your support to these amazing sponsors and thank them for their commitment to our organization. They support youth sports in Colleyville in many ways: with financial contributions, by offering fundraising opportunities, by contributing their own time to CSA, or by providing facilities we use for our board meetings, coaches meetings, photo shoots and training sessions. When you drop by, be sure to mention you're with CSA, and thank them for helping make your child's youth sports experience wonderful!